Jag tror att livet just har börjat och det blir.. det blir vad jag gör det till
It´s redicoulously late to start blogging now, but I feel like I won´t be able to sleep if I don´t. I have had the most lovely day. I have listened to perfect music. It sometimes feel like they sing my feelings, have you felt like that too sometime? I love it, I just smile ´cause I know that I´m not alone feeling this.
Today I have been feeling like I´m in my own world. Just spinning around in circles to the music, singing loudly, cleaning up my room, trying on different clothes feeling like a princess at times. I feel like one now, sitting on my throne that is my bed, looking out over my very neat room that can represent my nowdays neat world, in a cosy light with a warm cup of tea, getting goosebumps all over my body to Melissa Horns´beyond beautiful, but very sad song "Kungsholmens Hamn".
I took a walk with Mihaela. We walked around for a bit and ended up by our first school, Parkhemsskolan. I almost felt like child, we remembered all our games we used to play on the schoolyard, we were especially skilled on a game called Lin. You throw a small ball as far as you can up a wall and then you jump over the ball as it hits the ground again. We had different jump-moves, we ruled that game!
Next Sunday, we are going back all day to play! We are going to play all those games we used to play and we are going to feel like children again. Can´t wait for next Sunday! Sorry Micks, can´t upload the pictures, gonna try again tomorrow.
Pictures I do have are from Friday. Another day I look back at, smiling. We have had so many wonderful nights this summer, so many beauiful moments I´ll remember all my life. But I have got. to. start. taking. my. own. pictures! I´m so bad at it haha, so once again I´m gonna borrow some!
Sofias´picture of us, I really enjoyed having you with me love. So much more to come! ( www.picturebridge.blogg.se )
Ammo, thank you beautiful, for all of it! ( www.calbucura.blogg.se )
Gee I just realised how many times I´ve said feel or feeling in this post, anyone know a substitute word, I think I could really use one...
Love Love Love Love Love
Det var en rolig kväll förutom att jag höll på att frysa ihjääääl hahah.
Ojojoj vad många minnnen man får av det du skriver, alla lekar man lekt i parkhem asså... Vad lätt allt var då ;) nästa söndag kör vi!
Dude är vi systrar eller? Du är typ raka motsatsen från mig just nu! Ha blev en aning förvånad när jag såg en rubrik på svenska där ;D
Sv;Tack det gjorde min dag lite bättre faktiskt. Fast har haft en väldigt bra dag ändå :) Varför är du aldrig hemma längre? jag saknar dig och jag saknar att prata med dig. Helt ärligt jossan sitter med gråten i halsen just nu. Som sagt jag ville ju boka dig i helgen men det är väl helt omöjligt för din tid är för "dyrbar"? Fan jossan inget är som det brukar och det är inte bara jag som känner så! Vet inte är väl inne i en sån period just nu. I'll get over it i guess. PUSS