du som skriver om vad kärlek är
Who said you can´t miss what you´ve never had huh? Lots of talk of finding it, wishing you had it, and talk with those who has it. It´s nothing I´m gonna spend my time obsessing over, but sometimes you just.. I think Melissa Horn starts the thoughts, she sings of it so beautifully... she pretty much puts words on your thoughts sometimes.. But lately my life has been filled with so many other things I´ve never had. I have laughed more this summer than any other, Í have done things I never dreamt I would do and at times I have thought that there is nothing in my life that I miss. And partly that is true, however welcome love would be, I have so many people in my life to fill it to the brimm, almost anyway, we are all flexible and can make room for anyone.
"Jag har en längtan som aldrig vill gå över"
"Ska jag älska, ja då ska det finnas tid att älska fritt"
HELLLOOO!! FööööÖÖÖljJ miiGG på TwIiiTTeeERRrr http://twitter.com/mickisq
sv; haha förstår det är tomt liksom x) Hahah fast mitt rum passar inte under alla punkter, man behöver inte en klädnypa tex ;D