Om hösten hittar hit igen, då håller vi ihop min vän, ja då lever vi för sommaren, om hösten hittar hit igen
Then we took a deep breath each and plunged our heads into the thick, confusing jungle of Project, with an enormous P!
Me and Amanda took a small stroll in some boutiques then walked to the train in the sun. Very well deserved and needed.
Since I came home I must have drunk at least four cups of tea, put on my newly purchsed, colourful leggins from Indiska, listened and sung along to Melissa Horn, Tegan and Sara nd Laura Pausini, I´ve read a bunch of blogs, one of them the blog of Elsa Billgren witch I stongly recommend and implore you all to read. I´ve studied in a calm and very medium pace, and I´ve read Elaine Bergquists´ fantastic book "Härskarteknik - den fula vägen till makt". have you not read it, you should. There is alot to learn, for instance how to recognise and respond to a bully and that persons technique. You might even recognise yourself in the position of the bully. She also kills, completely slaughter prejudices in all kinds of situations. Prejudices such as "women don´t like sports" or "gay men are skippy" or "blacks who know swedish speak "good swedish"". She´s so straight and isn´t afraid to use downright brutal expressions. Not a dull page, you laugh out loud at least once per page at her flair and bouyant way of expressing herself!
And god, I could just go on and on couldn´t I... haha well, I´m going back to my book now!
Lots of love!
London calling
But today, on a very spontaneous whim, me, Miahela an Sofia booked ourselves some tickets to the land of excitement! Country of wonderful language, redheaded folks and beautiful nature and architecture. Home of Shakespeare, Sherlock Holmes and Harry Potter! That´s right! For those of you who wasn´following me at first must have gotten my point at home of Harry Potter haha! We are going to London! For three days, we´re leaving our quiet home on february 28! Can. not. wait. I tell you! That was all I had to say this very fine evening. Love to all of you!

Last time I wsas in London, I was, what, 15? With my dad, Harry Potter 5 was showing in theaters and my dad convinced me I buy the seventh and last HP book in english to pick up my g-minus grade I currently had in english at the time. I hesitated a lot at first, but my god did it pay off to fight my way through it. That must be counted as one of my best money spent ever!

This is what Big Ben looked like when we were there, this very much sensational event was all over the news, pretty amusing really...
när man ser att det blöder ja det är först då det gör ont
Just got home an hour ago. It´s been a weird day, I spent most of it in tumba c, working. They had arranged this big girls night, all the shops in the centrum had open til 21.00. So from 15.30 to 21.30 I´ve been carrying tables and chairs, running up and down stairs, fetching papers and wires and more tables. Up and down the elevators with heavy things and well, you get my point, I´m very very tired.
But I realised I must finish my english paper tonight, or I´ll have everything for this weekend and I don´t feel like I wanna start stressing so early in on the term´, I´ll have pelenty of time doing that later, just wait maybe two-tree weeks then everything will feel like normal again - stressful.
What bugs me right now, nagging again in the back of my neck, is that I probably need to find a new job. I talked to my boss today and she can´t really afford to let me work right now, she hasn´t fired me or anything, she want to keep me but can´t afford to give me any hours, and I don´t know when she will need me again, so I suppose I must, I really need money... So that sucks, at least I´m glad I made a 1000 kr today..
Listening to Melissa Horn now, witch is making my heart fill up with happiness! And god, I´m reading this blog you must check out, it´s really beautiful. Different people are sending in stories about thier love lifes, all of them are so real and it´s like you can see yourselfe in the same situation even though you haven´t actually been there. I love it, check it out!
du som skriver om vad kärlek är
Who said you can´t miss what you´ve never had huh? Lots of talk of finding it, wishing you had it, and talk with those who has it. It´s nothing I´m gonna spend my time obsessing over, but sometimes you just.. I think Melissa Horn starts the thoughts, she sings of it so beautifully... she pretty much puts words on your thoughts sometimes.. But lately my life has been filled with so many other things I´ve never had. I have laughed more this summer than any other, Í have done things I never dreamt I would do and at times I have thought that there is nothing in my life that I miss. And partly that is true, however welcome love would be, I have so many people in my life to fill it to the brimm, almost anyway, we are all flexible and can make room for anyone.
"Jag har en längtan som aldrig vill gå över"
"Ska jag älska, ja då ska det finnas tid att älska fritt"